consulting geologist


Italian Journal of Ground water (Geograph, Milano)

2023, vol. 12, n.1

Water well drilling: tips and key points to consider in water well design (english text)

Italian Journal of Ground water

(Geograph, Milano)

2018, n. 152 Groundwater potential of Sierra Leone, hydrogeological mapping and preliminary aquifer parameter evaluation (english text)

Italian Journal of Ground water

(Geograph, Milano)

2015, n. 141 Simple procedures for the calculation of the influence radius and well head protection areas (with a case history) english text

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2012, n. 127

Artificial drainage in engineering works

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2011, n.126

Correcting ground water level data for barometric pressure fluctuation (english text)

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2011, n.125

Flow nets and their interpretation

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2011, n.125

Construction and interpretation of the piezometric maps

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2010, n.121

Performance of step drawdown tests

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2003, n.81

Water well completion and screen design

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)

2000 n.65

2D numerical model for the interpretation of pumping tests

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1999 n.63
Dewatering design in an archeological site (Galla Placidia church,, Ravenna)
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1999 n.61
Ground water protection zones for a karst spring (Tegorzo spring, Belluno)
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1999 n.61
Aquifer recharge assesment by piezometric maps
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1998 n.57
Aquifer rehabilitation in karst aquifers
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1996 n.49
Hydrogeological assesment of a confined aquifer and gw protection zones
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1994 n.42
Flow net analysis using 2D modeling
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1994 n.41
Hydrogeological assesment of Dogon plateau (Mali)
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1993 n.38
2d numerical modeling for aquifer studies (second part)
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1993 n.37

2d numerical modeling for aquifer studies (first part)

Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1988 n.1
Hydrogeological parameter determination by electrical surveys (a case hystory on an alluvial plain in Thailand)
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1986 n.4
Electrical surveys on a karst area
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1986 n.3
In situ permeability tests
Acque Sotterranee(Geograph, Milano)
1986 n.2
Rural water supply in Liberia (an EEC multidisciplinary project)
Galileo(Ordine Ingegneri, PD)
1995 n.74
Laws and regulations for ground water use
Galileo(Ordine Ingegneri, PD)
1994 n.55
Dewatering design problems

                                                                                                                         (original text in italian)

2006 Lithologic and Hydrogeologic maps of M. Grappa and Cesen (Kater II) Regione Veneto Ser. Tutela Acque (24 pp, 9 figs., 8 photos, 2 tables, 1:50000 maps    scale)

2002 Hydrogeology and ground water resources of Montello hill, Provincia di Treviso (34 pp, 14 figs., 2 tables, 7 photos, 1:25000 maps scale)

1996 Groundwater pollution in the northern part of Treviso province, Ordine Geologi del Veneto, Settore Ecologia prov. di Treviso (40 pp., 15 figs., 8 tables)

1995 The Forame spring: hydrogeological basin reconstruction and rehabilitation of a karst aquifer polluted by a gasoline spill of 1400 tons, Bollettino Federazione Speleologica Veneta (14 pp., 6 figs.)

1989 Karst geomorphology in Cyrenaica (Lybia), GGT, Treviso (37 pp., 12 tables, 8 photos)

1989 Chemical erosion in the Prealpi Venete, Studi Trentini di Scienze Naturali, Trento (26 pp., 7 tables)

1986 Problems in the foundation design: geotechnical standards, Commissione tra gli Ordini Professionali di: Architetti, Geologi, Geometri, Ingegneri, Periti Industriali, Treviso (15 pp., 1 table, 4 figs.)

1984 Geology and Hydrogeology of Vedelago Municipality, Treviso, Comune di Vedelago,TV (28 pp., 8 figs.)

1984 Electrical surveys for cave detection, Atti del 4° Congresso di Speleologia del Veneto, Vicenza (8 pp., 5 figs.)

1980 The karst aquifer of Montello, Atti del 1° Congresso di Speleologia del Veneto, Treviso ( 10 pp., 16 figs.)

1977 Geology of Friuli area involved in the 1976 earthquake, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Progetto Finalizzato "Geodinamica", vol. 83, n. 2, Milano 1977, geological map at 1 : 50000 scale

1975 The vauclusian spring of Gorgazzo, hydrogeology and exploration,4th World Congress of underwater activities, CMAS, Stockolm (40 pp., 15 tables, 21 photos)


                                                                                                                             (original text in italian)

2022 Speleonauti: Cave Diving Manual (exploration and scientific techniques and update; Ireco, Rome, 400 pages)
1996 Cave Diving - Equipment, exploration and scientific techniques; Vallardi & C. Editore, Milano (250 pp., 34 photos, 50 tables)