consulting geologist



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Permeability map of Treviso province jpg version, original scale 1:100000
Vulnerability map of Treviso province jpg version, original scale 1:100000
Piezometric map of Treviso province jpg version, original scale 1: 50000
Hydrogeologic map of Valmareno (Follina-Cison, TV) jpg version, original scale 1:25000
Hydrogeologic map of M. Grappa and Cesen (Veneto region) jpg version, original scale 1:50000


Water well drilling: tips and key points to consider in water well design a basic list on what to consider when planning and drilling a water well (english text)
Groundwater potential of Sierra Leone, hydrogeological mapping and preliminary aquifer parameter evaluation a set of comprehensive hydrogeological maps at 1:500000 scale with a preliminary water balance (english text)
Simple procedures for the calculation of influence radius and well head protection areas a selection of methods both analytical and numeric for the evaluation of ground water protection zones (english text)
Artificial drainage in engineering works evaluation of discharge entering an excavation pit from the surrounding aquifer
Correcting ground water level data for barometric pressure fluctuation evaluation of aquifer parameters using water level transducers, with case histories (english text)
Piezometric maps how to assess and interpret a potentiometric map
Ground water resources evaluation this article written with dr Luigi Zoppis describes simple field methods to evaluate gw potential and recharge factors affecting aquifers (overseas case histories)
Drilling and filtering water wells this article written with eng. Antonio Chiusano describes the main procedures to choose for a water well completion and filter size determination
The step dradown test theory and practice of the SDT and well efficiency
The pumping test theory and practice of a pumping test used to determine safe yield and main hydrogeological parameters (various examples in steady and unsteady state, for confined, unconfined and leaky aquifers)
Some simple problems encountered in water well design partly derived and translated from an article of A. Van Wyk, describes the main problems and roles of professionals involved in water well design and drilling
Flow net analysis theory and practice of the graphical method used in the study of ground water flow in simple isotropic media
Ground water, climate and speleology how different approches helped us to understand the evolution of earth climate during last 700000 years
lessons from training courses held between 2016 and 2019 in Freetown, Hamman, Port Sudan and Padova under different projects (HydroNova Llc) english text (Hydrogeology and groundwater development by means of wells, download  50Mb)
General overview Groundwater basic
Water well design Water well completion and development
Selection of the screen and gravel pack Well logs and databases
Aquifer tests References and links