download a few examples of projects carried out in Italy and abroad
Title |
Client |
Groundwater development plan on alluvial aquifer and protection areas delineation, job no. 404 | ETRA spa, VIcenza |
Aquifer vulnerability assessment in karst formations, job no. 397 |
BIM spa, Belluno |
Groundwater exploitation in a confined aquifer for irrigation purposes, job no.381 | Biodinamica, Treviso |
Dewatering project for a 10000 sqm industrial area, job no. 374 | Imballi, Treviso |
Hydrogeological investigations and drilling assistance for thermal water abstraction, job no.369 | ICI, Gorizia |
Shortcuts and analytical solutions in aquifer tests, job n. 364-368 | Geocorsi srl, Chieti |
Ground water capture zone delineation (methods comparison on alluvial river aquifer), job n. 362 | ATS, Montebelluna |
Aquifer rehabilitation on an abandoned industrial area, job n. 338 | Coveol srl, Treviso |
Geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations for water pipe stabilisation and slope reinforcement, job n. 361 | ATS, Montebelluna |
Hydrogeological investigations for a karst spring (catchment area and g.w. protection zones assesment), job n. 355 | ATS, Montebelluna |
Hydrogeological investigations and monitoring for aquifer rehabilitation (Trento city), job n. 336 | Dept. of Justice |
Hydrogeological and 3D laserscanner survey of Castel Tesino Cave (Trento), job n. 339 | Council of Trento |
Hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations for water pipe and rock wall rehabilitation (Treviso), job n. 329 | ATS, Monebelluna |
Hydrogeological assesment of the fractured aquifer in the north western part of Treviso province, job n. 320 | ATS, Montebelluna |
Kater II, Karst aquifer of Veneto region, job n. 302 (italian text) | Regione Veneto, Venezia |
2D ground water model of a water table aquifer around a sand quarry, Ferrara, job n. 303 (italian text) | Verginese srl, Treviso |
Professor of Applied Hydrogeology at Trieste University, job n. 325 | Università di Trieste |
Risk analysis and rehabilitation project for three urban wastes sites, Treviso, job n. 295 (italian text) | Consorzio Rifiuti di Treviso |
A reconnaisance study of industrial waste sites on Treviso province, job n. 238 (italian text) | Provincia di Treviso |
Rehabilitation of a karst aquifer polluted by a gasoline spill, Colle del Montello, Treviso, job n. 208 | Min. Difesa, Prov. di Treviso, Comune di Giavera, TV |
Hydrogeological basin reconstruction of Tegorzo and Fium springs, Belluno, job n. 230-231 (italian text) | Consorzo Acq. Schievenin, Montebelluna |
Dewatering design for an archeological site, Galla Placidia - S. Vitale churches, Ravenna, job n. 200 (italian text) | Varisco Pompe, Padova |
OVERSEAS (download the following project summaries in english) |
Title |
Client |
Greece:groundwater spring catchment rehabilitation, and aquifer assesment/potential for the Monasteries of M. Athos | HydroNova Italy, Monastic Republic of M. Athos |
Sudan: groundwater assessment plan and well field rehabilitation at Arbaat, Port Sudan | HydroNova Italy, The World Bank Group |
Namibia: Groundwater Managment Plan for Harasib farm (irrigation project) | Harasib Trust, Namibia |
Bulgaria: groundwater assessment plan of the Sofia valley aquifer (data collection and processing for the 3D numerical model of the two aquifer system) | HydroNova Italy, The World Bank Group |
Djibouti: numerical modeling of the coastal aquifer of the Bissidirou plain, Obock region (gw mapping, aquifer tests, conceptual model, data analysis, numerical modeling with Modflow) | Lotti spa,Rome, EEC |
Sierra Leone: Goundwater mapping of Sierra Leone (general data and water point inventory, local investigations and field tests for the assesment of the hydrogeological map for the entire country at 1:250000 scale, funded by ADB) project summary n. 11 | HydroNova (Texas, US), African Development Bank |
Algeria: feasability study for flood prevention along Mekerra river basin, west of country, see project summary 8 | CEE, Safege, PMO Bruxelles |
Algeria: feasability study for submarine spring exploitation along mediterranean coast between Tunisia and Morocco, see project summary 7 | CEE, Safege, PMO Bruxelles |
Mali: 2D aquifer numerical model of the Dogon plateau, see project summary 6 | Caritas, Svizzera, Lucerna |
Thailand: Hydrogeological and geophysical investigation for 9 provincial towns, see project summary n. 5 | Lotti spa, Rome |
Sudan: Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations in Darfur and Dongola states, see project summary 4 | Montedison, Milano; Geoexpert, Trento |
Liberia: Rural water supply along the atlantic coast, see project summary 3 | CEE |
Lybia: Hydrogeological investigations of the karst aquifer along the coast of Cyrenaica. Uranium prospecting in the Kufra desert see project summary 2 | Hydrogeo spa, Pisa, CRG, Firenze |
Nigeria: Ground water supply project in NES, see project summary 1 | CRG, Firenze |
Algeria: Geotechnical and geological investigation for a railway project, see project summary 1 | LNTPB, Alger |