consulting geologist



download a few examples of projects carried out in Italy and abroad


ITALY (download the following project summaries in english)




Groundwater development plan on alluvial aquifer and protection areas delineation, job no. 404 ETRA spa, VIcenza
Aquifer vulnerability assessment in karst formations, job no. 397

BIM spa, Belluno

Groundwater exploitation in a confined aquifer for irrigation purposes, job no.381 Biodinamica, Treviso
Dewatering project for a 10000 sqm industrial area, job no. 374 Imballi, Treviso
Hydrogeological investigations and drilling assistance for thermal water abstraction, job no.369 ICI, Gorizia
Shortcuts and analytical solutions in aquifer tests, job n. 364-368 Geocorsi srl, Chieti
Ground water capture zone delineation (methods comparison on alluvial river aquifer), job n. 362 ATS, Montebelluna
Aquifer rehabilitation on an abandoned industrial area, job n. 338 Coveol srl, Treviso
Geotechnical and hydrogeological investigations for water pipe stabilisation and slope reinforcement, job n. 361 ATS, Montebelluna
Hydrogeological investigations for a karst spring (catchment area and g.w. protection zones assesment), job n. 355 ATS, Montebelluna
Hydrogeological investigations and monitoring for aquifer rehabilitation (Trento city), job n. 336 Dept. of Justice
Hydrogeological and 3D laserscanner survey of Castel Tesino Cave (Trento), job n. 339 Council of Trento
Hydrogeological and geotechnical investigations for water pipe and rock wall rehabilitation (Treviso), job n. 329 ATS, Monebelluna
Hydrogeological assesment of the fractured aquifer in the north western part of Treviso province, job n. 320  ATS, Montebelluna
Kater II, Karst aquifer of Veneto region, job n. 302 (italian text) Regione Veneto, Venezia
2D ground water model of a water table aquifer around a sand quarry, Ferrara, job n. 303 (italian text) Verginese srl, Treviso
Professor of Applied Hydrogeology at Trieste University, job n. 325 Università di Trieste
Risk analysis and rehabilitation project for three urban wastes sites, Treviso, job n. 295 (italian text) Consorzio Rifiuti di Treviso
A reconnaisance study of industrial waste sites on Treviso province, job n. 238  (italian text) Provincia di Treviso
Rehabilitation of  a karst aquifer polluted by a gasoline spill, Colle del Montello, Treviso, job n. 208 Min. Difesa, Prov. di Treviso, Comune di Giavera, TV
Hydrogeological basin reconstruction of Tegorzo and Fium springs, Belluno, job n. 230-231 (italian text) Consorzo Acq. Schievenin, Montebelluna
Dewatering design for an archeological site, Galla Placidia - S. Vitale churches, Ravenna, job n. 200  (italian text) Varisco Pompe, Padova

OVERSEAS (download the following project summaries in english)




Greece:groundwater spring catchment rehabilitation, and aquifer assesment/potential for the Monasteries of M. Athos HydroNova Italy, Monastic Republic of M. Athos
Sudan: groundwater assessment plan and well field rehabilitation at Arbaat, Port Sudan HydroNova Italy, The World Bank Group
Namibia: Groundwater Managment Plan for Harasib farm (irrigation project) Harasib Trust, Namibia
Bulgaria: groundwater assessment plan of the Sofia valley aquifer (data collection and processing for the 3D numerical model of the two aquifer system) HydroNova Italy, The World Bank Group
Djibouti: numerical modeling of the coastal aquifer of  the Bissidirou plain, Obock region (gw mapping, aquifer tests, conceptual model, data analysis, numerical modeling with Modflow) Lotti spa,Rome,  EEC
Sierra Leone: Goundwater mapping of Sierra Leone (general data and water point inventory, local investigations and field tests for the assesment of the hydrogeological map for the entire country at 1:250000 scale, funded by ADB) project summary n. 11 HydroNova (Texas, US), African Development Bank
Algeria: feasability study for flood prevention along Mekerra river basin, west of country, see project summary 8 CEE, Safege, PMO Bruxelles
Algeria: feasability study for submarine spring exploitation along mediterranean coast between Tunisia and Morocco, see project summary 7 CEE, Safege, PMO Bruxelles
Mali: 2D aquifer numerical model of the Dogon plateau, see project summary 6 Caritas, Svizzera, Lucerna
Thailand: Hydrogeological and geophysical investigation for 9 provincial towns, see project summary n. 5 Lotti spa, Rome
Sudan: Hydrogeological and geophysical investigations in Darfur and Dongola states, see project summary 4 Montedison, Milano; Geoexpert, Trento
Liberia: Rural water supply along the atlantic coast, see project summary 3 CEE
Lybia: Hydrogeological investigations of the karst aquifer along the coast of Cyrenaica. Uranium prospecting in the Kufra desert see project summary 2 Hydrogeo spa, Pisa, CRG, Firenze
Nigeria: Ground water supply project in NES, see project summary 1 CRG, Firenze
Algeria: Geotechnical and geological investigation for a railway project, see project summary 1 LNTPB, Alger