consulting geologist

A list of Institutions, Companies and Agencies cooperating with us
HydroNova LLC Environmental and hydraulic engineers www.hydronova.tech
Ordine Geologi del Veneto Professional association www.geologiveneto.it
LTSHT, Land Technology and service Engineering company specialised on G.I.S. and detailed land surveys www.ltsht.com
SSI, Società Speleologica Italiana No profit organization for the study and inventory of natural and artificial underground caves) www.ssi.speleo.it
ANRH, Agence Nationale resources hydrauliques Algerian national agency dealing with the inventory and management of groundwater resources throughout the country www.anrh.dz
DISGAM, Dipartimento Scienze Geologiche Ambientali Marine Università di Trieste www.disgam.units.it
STS, Italia Instruments for ground water monitoring www.sts-italia.com
A.T.S., Alto Trevigiano Servizi Water Authorithy www.altotrevigianoservizi.it